The STEPPS framework by Jonah Berger

Currently reading “Contagious: Why Things Catch On" by Jonah Berger which outlines six key principles, known as the STEPPS framework, that contribute to making information and ideas go viral.
Gabe Caldwell
August 14, 2023

Currently reading “Contagious: Why Things Catch On" by Jonah Berger which outlines six key principles, known as the STEPPS framework, that contribute to making information and ideas go viral.

  1. Social Currency: People share things that make them look good, smart, or in-the-know to their peers. They use sharing as a way to enhance their own image or reputation. To make something contagious, it should provide social value and make sharers feel like insiders.
  2. Triggers: Certain things trigger people to think about a product or idea. These triggers can be everyday occurrences or cultural references that make the concept top-of-mind. Making a product or idea connect with frequent triggers increases its chances of being shared.
  3. Emotion: Emotions drive people to share. Content that elicits strong emotions like awe, excitement, anger, or joy tends to be more shareable. The more intense the emotion, the more likely people are to share it.
  4. Public: People are more likely to imitate actions that are observable to others. Public visibility influences behavior, as people tend to imitate what they see others doing. Making the product or idea more public and visible can increase its contagiousness.
  5. Practical Value: People share things that have practical value or help others solve problems. Information that is useful, informative, and can make a difference in people's lives is more likely to be shared.
  6. Stories: People share stories because they're easy to remember and retell. Creating a narrative around the product or idea makes it more relatable and memorable, which increases the likelihood of it being shared.

What do you think? How are you using these principles to share your gift/product/service with the world?

Thanks for reading!

Gabe Caldwell

Gabe Caldwell is Head of Partnerships at Plain Sight Ventures. In his free time, you can find Gabe riding bikes, playing beach volleyball or experimenting with new biohacks.

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